Opening Sequence Task: Todorov

The Exclusion

Shot one:  Shot one will start as an Establishing shot so the viewer will be able to see the surrounding of the scene. From a distance, there will be a jogger (Josh) who will run to a stopping point of the scene which will then continue on further to Shot 2. To follow the character in this scene, we decided to use a PAN MOVEMENT from left to right. The use of sound within this scene will be a Sound Effect of a Heartbeat which will be quite to faint as it will be over-powered with the use of the characters breathlessness within the scene.
From this shot to the second, we decided on a Cut Edit as the next shot continues on with shot 1.

Shot 2: When the character has reached the certain stopping point, we will then see a Medium Long Shot of the character as he moves within his body language; breathlessness and lack of energy. We will also be seeing the character in a side angle to show a form of identification which the viewer will lack seeing. Slowly, the character will move down, to tie his shoe laces, our camera movement will TILT downwards to follow him as he lowers closely to the ground. The use of Incidental Music will the slowly fade in, in a sense of suspense as the heartbeat will be quite faint.
From this shot to the third, we decided again on a Cut as the next scene continues on....

Shot 3: Shot 3 on our storyboard has been divided into two sections (3.1 and 3.2)
3.1 will start in a Long Shot as whilst the character is tying his shoes, the reason why we decided to use a log shot and no other is because a long shot will show the surrounding of the character, which will be very empty, meaning that he's the only one there, this shot will then be over-powered again with uses of sound such as; Incidental and sound effect.
3.2 will then be a fade in from 3.1, however, this shot will then change to a Medium Shot which will then Pan from left to right which will be interrupted with a slight figure, this continues on further to Shot 4

Shot 4, will be interruption of the shot from a slight figure which will be caused from a Pan movement (as said before) however, when the Pan Movement stops, the type of shot will then change to an Over the Shoulder shot. This will then change the atmosphere of the scene from the Long Shot where the character appears to be alone to the Over The Shoulder Shot which will then reveal that he is not alone. The use of sound within this shot will be a baseball bat sound effect which will be used when the character (protagonist) gets hit around the head by the antagonist, this will then be followed up with a Blackout effect of the screen.

Shot 5: This shot will be completely blurry as the scene slowly welcomes itself in as a fade in with the shot also being in a blink eye effect. This would resemble a sign of concussion of the protagonist and that he is soon waking up from the bash around his head. The scene will then be overwhelmed with a sound effect of a high pitch squeaking sound which would also resemble the sound of concussion. The camera angle will be on a left tilt, in an Eyeline Match of the entire room (Establishing Shot), this is to show the viewer that the protagonist is lying down and we're watching what he sees. The location of the room will be very dingy and covered in candles, which would creates a sort of Enigma code upon the viewer. (We may add a diagram on the floor to add further suspense)

Shot 6: during the blink-eye effect, this shot will then be welcomed in a Flash-in white with the shot having a Vignette Black Border, This shot is intentionally designed to look like a flashback so, we thought to make this shot look unrealistic.  During the viewing of the flashbacks which will continue to Shot 7, the use of a Heartbeat sound effect will mimic with the shots. This is to show that the protagonist is in great danger and he's thinking about his past which is raising his blood pressure and making his heart race.

Shot 7:  This shot will be a repeat of what shot 6 will include however, it will be a different flashback which will then fade out in a blur motion to represent that the flashback is over and then it will continue on to shot 8 which will then show the reality of what situation the protagonist is in.
The Vignette Border will fade out along with the entire shot during the blurred and blinking effect. The only changes within this shot is that the flashback will show the protagonist in a group of friends showing the happier side. (Long shot)

Shot 8: This shot will still be an Eyeline Match of the protagonist in this dingy room which is full of candles (kind of like shot 5) however, the blink-eye effect would have stopped at this point and the vision will start to become a lot more clearer as the Incidental Music picks up tensity. So, again, this shot will be an Establishing Shot of the room HOWEVER, the only change in this shot is that the ANTAGONIST is then introduced in a Crab Shot, so the identity of the antagonist is hidden but with the use of sound, the viewer should grasp the concept that he is in fact the antagonist.  In the Crab Shot, the antagonist will walk towards the protagonist and stand there for a second then disappear, this is for suspense.

Shot 9: As the antagonist disappears, the protagonist will then be dragged as we are still in this Eyeline Match shot, this is to build the intensity on the viewer and it will also create rhetorical questions. The camera angle from the left side will then change to an upward angle, to show that the protagonist is therefore sitting up.. as this happens, the antagonist (in a Medium Long shot) would walk towards one of the candles, he will pick it up and then walk back- WITHOUT revealing any facial features. The shot will then change to a shot where we only see the shoulders of the antagonist, the candle at full and the hands which hold the candle and with that, the antagonist would blow out the candle and then the screen will go COMPLETELY blank and then a sound of a scream will occur.

We are hoping that all together, the opening sequence will last LESS than 2 minutes (which is our maximum time). However, we came up with this creepy thriller opening sequence because, we wanted to create masses of intensity for the viewer as much as we can. Hence why we have included props such as; candles and even the location.

We hope once filming, our vision of the opening sequence will be exactly 100% dead on.

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