Risk Assessment

This risk assessment shows all the risks which we will have to take into consideration when we are filming our opening sequence and because we are an AS Media group (under 18's) we legally need approval from our parents if we need to film outside of school. 

Who is at risk
Control Measures
Who is responsible for managing the risk
Location: Filming by trees
Getting lost. 
Everybody in the group
Keep together at all times. 
Josh Hick.
Movement in the location: Running
Tripping over branches and the hazard of concussion if fallen over on a rock.
Josh Hick
Make sure the path is clear. 
Dominic Ives. 
Walking to the chosen location
Cautions such as: cars, vans and bikes.
Anyone who will walk across a road.
Check before crossing. 
Dominic Ives.
Filming at the location.
Stranger Danger. 
Do not talk to other people and make sure an adult is present. 
Josh Hick.
Damage to equipment. 
Equipment user.
Take extra care: (waterproofs)
Alex Strein
Actors on screen. 
Caution of being burnt, have water at all times just in case. 
Alex Strein

I/we the undersigned give permission for my son/daughter to film in the above locations for the purposes of their Media Coursework. I understand the risks involved as shown above. I understand that a member of staff will NOT be present during the filming. I also understand that my son/daughter will be responsible for the safe return of any equipment loaned by the school.

If students are leaving the site to film during school hours, then the signing in/out book must be used for Health and Safety regulations. students are also reminded of the need to be punctual to lessons, even if they have been filming off site. 

You have the right not to sign; however, all filming must take place on the school site during school hours: 9:00-3:10

Signed ________________________
Parent/Guardian of ___________________________

Date ___/____/____

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